Cameron and Lindsey Engagement. Fraser Valley Photographer
I am doing a bit of rebranding and decided that I wanted to get some more engagement photos, so I put out a model call for recently engaged couples. I'm pretty sure that Lindsey was the first to reply. Her and her fiance are gorgeously adorable, and I loved the height difference between them! So cute!
To say that the session went off super well with no issues would be a MAJOR understatement :S Sometimes things don't work out as planned, at all, and you just have to go with the flow. This was absolutely one of those times.
We planned to meet in Abbotsford at a location I had discovered recently. I really wanted some gorgeous sunset shots so we decided on 8pm. Well, it ended up getting fairly cloudy just before the session, so I thought, ok no sunset, but that's ok. It will just be overcast. It's all good.
Then on my way to the location I got a message from Lindsey. They were stuck in traffic on the freeway (coming from Langley), not even moving! They heard on the radio that an accident had just occurred and there were no signs of movement anytime really soon. Ok, still good, I'm sure they'll get here. It will just be a short session.
As I was waiting, with constant updates from Lindsey, it started to rain! Ugh, rain! Nooo! Ok, it's ok, maybe it will pass quickly. It did stop after not too long, but the dark clouds lingered. Seriously, BC weather, you suck!
Eventually Lindsey messaged and said, ok we aren't going to make it to you in time. Let's meet part way, in Aldergrove. She said she knew of a park out there that people shoot weddings at all the time. At this point, I would've shot anywhere. We were rapidly running out of any decent light!
So I rushed to Aldergrove, met them at the park, ridiculously quick introductions. We walk around the park a bit and I decide it's just not my style, not something I feel I would be happy with. Ok, plan B. Or C? Or whatever plan this is! We had seen a pretty little field on the side of the road on the way there. Let's go!!!
We get there and it is a beautiful spot!!! By this time though, we were pretty much out of any natural light. It was definitely darker than I am used to shooting in. The pics look different than my usual style, but at least we got some pics!!!!
I must say, it was the fastest engagement session I have ever done. I told them that we could not talk, it was just go go go! Ahhh! At the end, we did get a chance to chat a bit though and I just loved them! I am soooo disappointed that I am booked for their wedding date next year, but I told Lindsey that I call dibs on their maternity photos, whenever that may be. Hehe.